What is the C.S.G?

The Customer Service Guarantee (CSG Standard) covers the supply of standard telephone services, including voice grade services used to connect to the ADSL Internet or for a facsimile machine. Enhanced call-handling features that require activation by a phone company are also covered, including call waiting, call forwarding, call barring, calling number display and calling number display blocking. These services are commonly referred to as CSG services. Phone companies must meet maximum timeframes for:

  • connection of a CSG service;
  • repair of a fault or service difficulty; and
  • attending appointments with customers.

For more details, see Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman or Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Waiving Your CSG Rights

In order for Zettagrid to be able to provide discounted Broadband installation and plan fees for ADSL and NBN services we require that you waive specific CSG rights. In accepting the incentive provided with the Service you will be specifically agreeing to waive the following CSG protections:

Provide you with written information, at least every two years about;

  • The performance standards that apply under these standards.
  • The obligations of the provider under these standards.
  • The customers entitlements to damages under the Act for contravention of the performance standards.
  • On request, provide information to you about a performance standard.

Guaranteed maximum connection periods;

  • The CSG prescribes maximum timeframes within which service connection should occur.

Guaranteed maximum rectification periods;

  • The CSG prescribes maximum timeframes within which service faults should be rectified.

The CSG requires carriage service providers to:

  • Make appointments with customers at times that are convenient for the customer.
  • Make appointments with customers that are either for a particular time of the day or nominate a five hour period during which the appointment will occur.
  • Change appointments by giving at least 24 hours’ notice or by obtaining the agreement of the customer to change.

You may request the re-instatement of these rights at any time. Please note that in doing so you agree to pay the full installation costs and monthly fees.