Here you will find the Number Porting Terms and Conditions. It is important to ensure that you understand and comply with these in order to ensure that your number port completes successfully.

When you request to have your existing number ported to us we will validate your request to ensure that your number can be ported. Some products, services or features may prevent your numbers from being ported, these include Line Hunt, DSL, Fax Duet, a pending disconnection by your current provider and other.

Service Disruption
When porting a number you may experience a service disruption for a few minutes however in some rare instances this can last for up to an hour. Porting your number may also cause other services to stop operating, for example, an ADSL service on the same line or a monitored alarm.

Disconnection Fees
We recommend that before porting your number you should confirm with your current provider if there are any penalties or fees applicable and if there are any contracts with them that you may be ending by doing so.

We will keep you informed of the status of your application including when the port has been booked for completion, when it completes or if there are any complications such as associated products, services or features that may prevent your number from being ported. We will also test your service to ensure it is working before we mark it as complete.

If you have any questions or complaints about your number porting application you can contact at or 1300 597 656 (6AM – 5PM WST Monday to Friday Excluding Public Holidays).


Other Terms and Conditions

  • You must not deactivate your existing service when porting. Telephone numbers can only be ported while active.
  • Zettagrid provides no guarantee that it can port your telephone number from your current Service Provider. Your current Service Provider may reject this port request if the information you provide is incorrect or does not match the data held by them. In such a case we may request additional information and you authorise Zettagrid to correct the information and resubmit the request to port your telephone number or dispute the rejection by your current Service Provider. A porting request may also be rejected for other reasons as stated in the LNP Industry Code.
  • Zettagrid provides no guarantee that the telephone number will be ported within any specified timeframe. Porting Hours of Operation are 8am to 5pm AEST/AEDST Monday to Friday, excluding National Public Holidays. Cutover can only be initiated at least 3 business days after the porting Notification Advice is sent by Zettagrid to your current Service Provider. If a port request is rejected and needs to be resubmitted, cutover cannot take place for at least another 3 business days after the request is resubmitted.
  • In the event of a port, withdrawal or reversal, Zettagrid is not responsible for any period of outage.
  • You may have outstanding contractual obligations and/or port-out costs owed to your current Service Provider. Zettagrid is not liable for any such costs.
  • Only your telephone number will be transferred to Zettagrid. This may result in the loss of any Value Added Services that are associated with the service provided by your existing Service Provider (eg Voicemail).
  • If you wish to port your telephone number from Zettagrid to another Service Provider, then you must contact the other Provider to initiate the transfer.
  • Zettagrid reserves the right to charge a fee for porting your telephone number to or from Zettagrid.
  • Local Number Portability (LNP) does not guarantee you can keep your telephone number if you move to a different geographic location.


By submitting your Number Porting Application, you

  • agree to the above Terms and Conditions;
  • authorise for the telephone number(s) listed above to be ported to Zettagrid;
  • acknowledge that you are authorised to request the porting of the telephone number(s) listed on this form;
  • acknowledge that you have been advised that:
    • by porting the telephone number(s) listed on this form, the service associated with that telephone number is disconnected from the existing service provider’s network and may result in finalisation of the account for that service;
    • by porting the telephone number(s) listed on this form, any DSL/Spectrum Sharing service associated with that telephone number is disconnected and may result in finalisation of the DSL Spectrum Sharing account for that service; and
    • although you have the right to port the telephone number(s), there may be costs and obligations associated with the port which may include early termination fees and porting fees – port away fees may be charged by your existing carrier

Email Contact

  • have understood and agreed that Zettagrid may contact you via authorized 3rd party email services for important notifications.